Dr. Cha was Registered with KOREAN RECORD INSTITUTE  as the  aurhor with most number of research papers and books published.



Experiences and Accomplishments

(1) KAERC have hosted total of 1700 child education and parent counseling seminars and workshops for over 150,000 Korean American parents in the US from 1976 to 2014.

(2) KAERC has been dedicated for the last 26 years in giving out approximately $60000 annually through the KAERC, “Dream Tree Scholarship Fund” to 554 disabled students, high school graduates, and university students combined with exceptional academic and leadership achievement profile.

(3) Jong Whan Cha, PhD,  President of KAERC received an award on October 2014 by the Korea Record institute http://www.korearecords.co.kr  (South Korea’s equivalent of Guinness World Records) as the sole South Korean researcher and author with the most number of published academic research papers and books   in the field of child education and various other field such as biology, North-South Korea unification, human rights for overseas Koreans, and Korean culture (Korea Record Institute Certificate No. 736130).

 Mr. Jong Whan Cha was recognized with total of 180 academic research papers (both domestic and international) from 1958 to 2014. In addition, total of 254 books in various field, including child education from 1963 to 2014. Mr. Jong Whan Cha will continue to raise awareness regarding the crucial importance child education and also about intellectual culture of the Korean American communities throughout the US and South Korea by pursuing to publish more resourceful informative books, for many years to come.

(4) KAERC has been dedicated for 26 years in recognizing exceptional educators and leadership through our “Pestalozzi Awards who’ve have not only contributed in raising academic excellence but those who have contributed in enriching the lives of the Korean American community. Total of 41 local
educators/administrators in the field of education and community leaders have been honored and recognized through KAERC.

Since 1976, Korean American Educational Research Center’s (KAERC) mission has been to strengthen all Korean American communities by:

 (1) Hosting child education seminars and workshops for Korean American parents.

(2) Offering scholarship to physically and mentally disabled students with an exceptional academic profile.

(3) Offering college scholarship to both high school graduates and university students with an exceptional academic and leadership profile.

(4) Write and publish books regarding parents.

(5) Reach out to the youth community through providing family counseling for both parents and youth.

(6) Recognize and honor exceptional leaders in the field of education.

                       Board and Staff Members

                       (1) Jong Whan Cha, Ph.D (Former UCLA research professor and Dongguk University Professor)

                        (2) Robert Cha (Prosecutor, City of Los Angeles)                                        

                        (3) Rev. Hyun Seung Yang (Protestant Minister)                               

                        (4) Harry Hwang (Chairman of American Sports University)

                        (5) Kisuk Chun (President of Hosanna Driving School)

                        (6) Shin Yong Kang (Former President of CPA Association southern California)

                        (7) Joong Bok Yang (Director of KAERC, South Korea branch)

                        (8) Soon Ai Cha (Business Manager)

                        (9) Jennifer Choi (Program Director)

                        (10) There are 51 other board members in KAERC.


Qualifications of Staff and Volunteers

 Under the committed leadership of Mr. Jong Whan Cha, Ph.D (CEO & President, KAERC), all of the board and staff members contribute to 300 combined years of professional experience in the field of education, civil duties, ministry, civil law, real estate development, accounting, mass media, and business, whom are all dedicated none paid volunteers for KAERC, except for the President, Business Manager, and Administrator.





Founder: Jong Whwn Cha, Ph.D


                       Robert Cha Y. Cha (Supervisor Attorney, City of  Los Angeles

                       Soon Ai Lee (5years of Instructor, Ehwa Womans University)


Areas of expertise: Educational Research, child education seminars and workshops, Publications, Scholarships,  philanthropy,  fundraising